Traveling to Nicosia

A sophisticated and cosmopolitan city, rich in history and culture that combines its historic past with the amenities of a modern city, Nicosia is the island’s financial capital and main international business centre.

Nicosia still remains today the only divided capital in the world… 

A Journey through Time in Cyprus’ Historic Capital Nicosia

Dating back to the Bronze Age, Nicosia is perhaps the only area of Cyprus that has been continuously inhabited since the Chalcolithic Era (3000 B.C until present day), with its first inhabitants settling in the fertile Mesaoria Valley. Nicosia’s illustrious history and geographical uniqueness have made it a crossroads for some of history’s most important civilizations. Imprints left by greats such as the Ptolemies, Romans and the Byzantines, the Franks, Venetians, Ottomans and finally the British may be encountered in one’s travails through the Old Town area of Nicosia.

The old town of Nicosia is surrounded by the Venetian Walls, behind which one may discover the city’s historic past unfold into a magical labyrinth of museums, old churches and medieval buildings.

The Modern City of Nicosia

Nicosia is a city that will reward visitors in search of ‘something different’. As a result of the various architectural influences that are visible throughout the city, one cannot help but be charmed by the manner in which past and present, traditional and contemporary have seamlessly fused together. The modern city centre will capture your imagination from the start, with its melting pot of influences that give the city a unique image.

The city’s landmarks, museums, theatres, musical events and galleries both inspire and fascinate. The streets of Makariou, Ledras, Onasagorou, Stassikratous and Mnasiadou offer impressive shopping and culinary temptations comparable to many in European countries.