Submitted Applications


The Cyprus Presidency announces the list of the submitted proposals that were received on or before the extended deadline of Sunday, 19 January 2025. A total of 70 submissions were received while 67 were reviewed by the Scientific Committee. The proposals are listed first by thematic series and then in the order that they were received. Please note that some information has been edited slightly for brevity or clarity.

SERIES 1: Teachers’ Well-being in the School Environment

App #                                                 Title                                                                     Presenter(s)           School

7 Teamwork Training in the French-speaking Section Sylvie Miragliese European School Brussels II
10 Effective Pedagogical Support in Conflict and Stress Management for Teacher Well-being Zdravka Grdan European School of Varese
13 Happy colleague, happy pupil! Thriving Together: Fostering Staff Well-being for a Happier School Community at ESB3 “ Georgia Gkolfinopoulou European School Brussels III
15 MATHESIS: An Integrated Intelligent Tutoring System for Mathematics Dimitrios Sklavakis European School Brussels II
20 Empowering Teachers and Enhancing Pupil Well-being through Artificial Intelligence Liesbet Booghmans European School Luxembourg I
24 How to Recharge Your Batteries and Be Well Michala Opatova European School of Brussels III
27 Encouraging Writing and Collaboration through an Illustrated Picture Book Sophie Stalder & Suzanne Pinder European School Brussels I
29 Inspire Professional Growth and Enhance Quality Learning: AI Chatbots in planning and reflecting on the learning process Tapani Saarinen European School Brussels II
40 Stay Calm and Shine Bright: Building balance in teaching Margarita Gudeikiene & Leszek Posiewala European School of Luxembourg I
45 Embracing Teacher Well-being: Improving School Environment! Luis Silva & Dimitrios Karaoglanidis European School of Luxembourg I
46 Boosting Teacher Well-being: Innovative approaches with automated workflows. Guillaume Martel European School of Mol
58 Cheer Cards: Creative tools for mental well-being in Education Ewelina Kowalska International European School*Warsaw
59 Sharing Best Practices and Challenges Teaching Combined Levels in the Primary Cycle of European Schools Liene Salmiņa & Jana Saudvide Delorme

European School Brussels I


61 Coaching for Support, Not Appraisal Niki Melanidou The English School of Nicosia
63 Facilitating Teaching Personnel’s Well-being Within Primary Public Schools in Cyprus: A case study Eleni Kyratzi 9th Primary School of Limassol
67 Compassionate Leadership: The key for teachers’ well-being in the school environment Elena Christofidou Pedagogical Institute of Cyprus



SERIES 2: Pupils’ Well-being in the School Community

App #                                                 Title                                                                     Presenter(s)           School

6 Leveraging Dramatized Reading and Theatrical Expression for the Classroom Céline LE GALL European School of Karlsruhe
8 The Role of School Counselor in Dealing with Pupils’ Difficult Behaviors and Improving Teachers’ well-being at schools

Nikolaos Lekkos &

Marina Michaelidou &
Christina Hadjsavva

8th Primary School of Paphos-“Iordaneiou”
11 Playground Buddy Programme Marla Candon & Juliot Sylvie European School Brussels I (Uccle)
14 From the Canvas to the Stage: Art in motion. Silvana Cigognini European School Brussels II
16 Whole School Inclusive Practices as a Tool to Promote Pupils’ Well-being in the School Community Agata Kwiatkowska Accredited European School “International European School” of Warsaw
17 Puppy Show Italiano: Stress-free language learning in action Fabiana Lubelli European School of Brindisi
18 Together We Thrive: Transforming our school into a welcoming and supportive space for everyone

Erika Demetriou &

Anna Maria Lingi

St. George Lyceum of Larnaca
19 Using Positive Psychology in the Primary School Classroom Ann-Marie Daly & Clair Lainton European School of Alicante
22 Supporting the Well-being of Students through Regular Self-organized Learning Units Johann Knobloch European School of Alicante
23 Eureka! Moments​: Unleashing the potential of gifted minds in secondary school by creating a like-minded community for​ high-potential learners​ Evelien de Moes & Geesje Akkerman European School of Munich
26 Walk in My Shoes

Giada Tonietti &

Eleonora Miglietta

Accredited European School “Scuola Europa” of Brindisi
28 Digital Badges: Recognition of students’ informal competences

Fabrice Corriette &

Jordan White

European School of Brussels III
30 Functional Literacy at Public Primary schools in Cyprus: Value, content and practicality related to national strategies

Theopisti Panteli &

Antigoni Orphanou &
Dimitra Kourea

5th Primary School of Lakatamia
31 Inclusion at School Level: Transforming policy into praxis. The case of a public primary school in Cyprus from Leadership’s perspective. Constantinos Michael 6th Primary School of Lakatamia “St. Stylianos”
32 The Role of Special Units in the Path towards Inclusive Education. Nefi Charalambous Darden Public Nursery School of Limassol
33 Enhancing Primary Pupil Wellbeing through the use of Music and Routine

Chrystalla Paleshi &

Rachel Weller

European School of Karlsruhe
34 Creating the Inclusive Classroom: Autonomy, collaboration and joy Chloé Robertson Accredited European School of Copenhagen
35 How to use literary characters to develop empathy, self-awareness and emotional intelligence among students Giuliana Primozich Darcy & Kadri Turk European School of Luxembourg I
36 ESK Social Climate Policy and Care Team: A leverage for pupils’ personal development and well-being

Sophie Chabanis-Davidson &

Anabela Santos

European School of Karlsruhe
37 Enhancing Well-Being and Inclusivity through Innovative Tools

Aleksandra Kowalik &

Katrijn Rubens

European School of Luxembourg I
38 Enhancing Students’ Well-being: Strategies for a respectful and supportive school community

Anabela Ramos &

Dimitra Papagianni &
Anabela Herculano

European School of Luxembourg I
39 Unlocking Learning: Designing digital escape rooms for Interdisciplinary education

Christina Michailidou &

Piotr Czarnasiak

European School of Luxembourg I
43 Art Challenge: Enhancing pupils’ well-being through collaborative work Susanne Hatzinger European School of Munich
44 Fostering Collaboration, Cohesion, and Positive Communication through
Movement and Dance in Classroom Activities
Ester Derganc European School of Frankfurt
48 Functional Literacy at Public Primary schools in Cyprus: Value, content and practicality related to national strategies.

Theopisti Panteli &

Antigoni Orphanou &
Dimitra Kourea

5th Primary School of Lakatamia
49 Building Minds, Building Hearts: Theatrical play for well-being Eleni Damianou European School of Alicante
50 MOVE – Make Our Values Evident! Marcus Adams Accredited European School of RheinMain
53 How to Respond to Transgressive Sexual Behaviour in School Goedele Palmers European School of Brussels II
54 SPRINGFEST, by the students for the students Jochen Wustenberghs European School of Brussels III
55 Enhancing Emotional Wellbeing, Cultural Diversity, and Language Development through Literature and Dance in L2 Classrooms Marina Krsnik European School Brussels IV
56 Educational Scenarios and Voices through Kamishibai Rachele Confalonieri European School of Varese
57 Retrieval Strategies for Enhanced Learning Stefano Nardone Accredited European School “International European School” of Warsaw
64 “A Flag of/for Humanity”: Developing an inter-artistic project as a pathway for building respectful and supportive school communities Yiota H. Diakou Pernera Primary School of Nicosia
65 OSCAR Schmitz Stephan Accredited European School “Lycée Edward Steichen Clervaux” of Luxembourg
66 Building a Respectful and Supportive Community for All Pupils through the Cultivation of a Culture of Holistic Sports and Other Physical Activities Solon Antartis Elementary School of Nicosia “St. John”
69 Rock and Water: A Psychophysical Approach to Empower and Inspire Children in Schools Caroline Harris Accredited European School of The Hague
70 Improving Student Learning Experience through All-Day Schooling Reform in Lower Secondary Education in Cyprus Yiorgos Koutsides

Ministry of Education, Sport and Youth

Department of Secondary Education

72 Music in the Service of Well-being Mersiha Teskeredzic-Theunis European School of Mol
73 Together We Can Deborah Nicholson European School of Alicante


PRIORITY 3: Well-being in Education for Sustainable Development

App #                                                 Title                                                                     Presenter(s)           School

4 Organization of a Large Flea Market for Students by Acting in a Sustainable and Ecological Way While Working on the Mathematical Skills of the European Program. Mr. Sébastien CAYOTTE & Mr. Cihad MOLA European School of Brussels II
5 Model COP Dominique Vansteenkiste European School of Varese
9 The Climate Academy : A complete programme for sustainability NICOLAS DUQUENNE European School of Brussels II
12 Building The Future We Want (BTFWW): A whole school approach to empowering students, teachers and the entire school community to work together for sustainability education and action Jo Rovers-Scott & Julia Payne European School of Varese
21 Nurturing Students’ Well-being through Classrooms without Borders Marijana Smolcec European School of Brussels I
25 Students as Agents of Change: Education for sustainable development and active citizenship Simone Ferreira Silva & Maria Luciana Marcellet European School of Brussels II
41 Ubbu: Project to teach programming and computational thinking Anabela Isidoro & Alexia Giannakopoulou European School of Brussels II
42 Ubbu: Project to teach programming and computational thinking Anabela Isidoro European School of Brussels II
47 Sustainable School Reporting Magdalena Rodzinka & Ludovic Ramirez European School of Luxembourg I
51 Where Nature Becomes the Classroom Joanna STAUB & Vanessa WESSBECHER & Mailis KLEMOLA European school of Karlsruhe
52 “Lessons in Pupils’ Well-being and Learning for Sustainability from Five Years of PhiloDay” April Capili European School of Brussels IV
60 Nurturing Well -being through Sustainability: A hands-on approach in Nursery Education Inguna Lange & Mathieu Girot European School of Brussels I
62 Innovations in Geography Education: Advancing learning through gamification and Artificial Intelligence Photini Photiou Gymnasium of Kiti
68 Nurturing Nature: Integrating outdoor learning into the European curriculum Gareth Mate Accredited European School of The Hague
71 Empowering Students through Well-being, Environmental Ethics, and Good Practices: The sustainable path of ESB3 ANASTASIA ZANNI European School of Brussels III